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Da Vinci Robotics

The Da Vinci system is a robotic surgery system designed and manufactured in the United States at the beginning of the year 2000 and that has been developed and refined to this day. It is one more step to the contribution made by laparoscopic surgery, since a robot assists the surgeon at the time of performing it.

The robot consists of 4 robotic arms, one of them supports the optical system, that is, where you can see the surgical procedures that are being carried out and, on the other three arms, different types of devices are attached (tweezers, scalpels, needle holders, staplers …) in order to proceed with the intervention. All of them do not act autonomously as many people believe or assume. The surgeon, from a console located in the same operating room, is in charge of activating and controlling all the elements described above.

This complex system offers a vision in three dimensions and at a very high resolution. The robotic arms have a superior mobility to the human wrist in terms of degrees of freedom. As a result of these technical advances, precision and safety increase.

In urology, all procedures that are performed laparoscopically can be performed robotically. More and more procedures are being implemented; not only in the oncological field, but also in reconstructive urology (fistulas, strictures…) and functional surgery (bladder prolapse, urinary incontinence…).

The Urology Girona team led by Dr. Comet and Dr.Boix have the opportunity to offer this type of intervention to patients, performing the surgery ourselves at the facilities of the Sagrada Familia Clinic in Barcelona, where the Da Vinci system is located, and in close collaboration with the urologists of the center during the postoperative period of the patient. These facilities allow us to provide comprehensive patient care, since we can carry out the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of our patients without having to renounce the latest current technologies or refer our patients to other centers.